
About us


Education is a very powerful tool, it has the capacity to do and undo. Our present consciousness present to us only a chance to live. And since information improves situation, an informed life has a very high plausibility to an improved living. This at the background means that no life should be deprived of the gathering of information and the training of the mind to reason through education. This makes education (either formal or informal) fundamentally, a human right, with no respect to the condition and the situation of the individual. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), Geneva Convention declared no discrimination in Education (1962). The period from 1995-2004 was officially proclaimed the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education and produced a Plan of Action for the Decade by the UN General Assembly in the year 1994.


The Plan of Action explained that human rights education is about the imparting of knowledge, skills and attitudes directed to:

  • a. The strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms;
  • b. The full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity;
  • c. The promotion of understanding, tolerance, gender equality and friendship among all nations, indigenous peoples and racial, national, ethnic, religious and linguistic groups;
  • d. The enabling of all persons to participate effectively in a free society;
  • e. The furtherance of the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

It is very obvious that consciousness comes before awareness, therefore, there is the need for education for people to be aware of their right to education and other rights, presupposing that education is important in every human life and situation.

International humanitarian law through The Geneva Conventions (1949) Articles 24, 50 and 94 make specific reference to protections related to education at times of war, this is even in the midst of conflict. The documents precisely directed that: Parties to a conflict ensure that children under fifteen, orphaned or separated from their families are provided with appropriate education; Occupying powers should facilitate the maintenance of education; Education should be provided for interned children and young people; and that Education should be provided for children throughout non-international conflicts.

World Conference on Education For All (EFA) held in Jomtien, Thailand marked the emergence of an international consensus on the importance of education in eliminating poverty in 1990. The goals that were set were accessed in 2000 by the World Education Forum held in Dakar which was entitled ‘Meeting Our Common Commitments’, and provided an assessment of progress towards EFA goals. Although there was improvement, it was asserted by Country reports that were collated by UNESCO that ‘approximately 113 million children, 60 per cent of whom are girls, have no access to primary schooling and 880 million adults are illiterate, of whom the majority are women.’ (EFA assessment, 2000)

Education, in recent years, is seen as one of the most important tools for human development and the elimination of poverty. The EDUfALL International’s fundamental motivation is partly summed up in expanded commentary by the Department for International Development (2003), on the main declaration of The Dakar Framework for Action which says:

“Education For All must take account of the needs of the poor and most disadvantaged, including working children, remote rural dwellers and nomads, ethnic and linguistic minorities, children and adults affected by armed conflict and HIV/AIDS, and those with special learning needs.’ (para. 19) ‘The significant growth of tensions, conflict and war, both within nations and between nations and peoples, is a cause of great concern. Education has a key role to play in preventing conflict in the future and building lasting peace and stability.’ (para. 28)”

The shadow of this is identified in our mission statement and is to make education accessible to all. We understand the importance of education for empowerment, enlightenment and self-help in our contemporary and globalized world. By adopting mobile School (where necessary), we aim at adjusting to the lifestyle and conditions of the very less privileged who are in diverse circumstances and conditions, to make education accessible to them.